read my blog
On Developer Marketing
How I'm Writing CSS in 2024
2023 Blog Refresh
Why I'm Using Next.js
Product and Platform Engineers
Make Something Developers Want
Community-Messaging Fit
Funding Open Source
2023 State of Databases for Serverless & Edge
Why You Should Use a React Framework
Why I'm Optimistic About JavaScript's Future
Behind the scenes: Next.js Conf 2022
What Makes a Great Developer Experience?
The Story of Heroku
What is Developer Relations?
Building an Image Gallery with Next.js, Supabase, and Tailwind CSS
Developer's Guide to Video Production: Fundamentals of Video
Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure
From Firebase/Redis to MySQL with PlanetScale
How I Became a Software Engineer (From Designer to Developer)
Using Serverless Redis with Next.js
Past, Present, and Future of React State Management
Web Fonts in 2021
How Should I Style My React Application?
Using the Spotify API with Next.js
Create a Dynamic Sitemap with Next.js
Create A Newsletter with Next.js API Routes and Mailchimp
Real-Time Blog Post Views With Next.js and Firebase
Everything I Know About Style Guides, Design Systems, and Component Libraries
Using Firebase with Next.js
How To Print in React Using Iframes
Building a Design System Monorepo with Turborepo
Technical Recruiting is Broken
Things I've Learned Building Next.js Apps
How Stripe Designs Beautiful Websites
Creating a Loading Placeholder with Sass
Programming Portfolios
Creating a Space Invaders Clone with Python